Tuesday, August 11, 2009

ATTN Girl Scout Cookie Lovers!!!

You all owe me for this one....

Well everyone, I have found my new favorite treat!! Who remembers Samoas??? The caramel, coconut, chocolate piece of heaven that we only get once a year... Not anymore people!!

As everyone knows, I spend a lot of time in Convenient Stores (we sell lots of chips in those places), and i need a snack every once in a while. I grabbed a FUDGE DIPPED COCONUT GRANOLA BAR and about passed out. It taste just like a Samoa. Don't worry-- they sell them at Wal Mart in packs of 8. If you plan on going to the Monticello Wal Mart-- go to El Dorado b/c I plan on buying all they have! haha. The Sunbelt vendor is going to love me!! I think my family could buy enough from him to put his kids through college!!! I thought I'd let ya'll in on my new treat! Don't look at the Nutrient Facts.

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